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We are committed to
energy self-consumption

Cryospain has joined the incentive program linked to self-consumption and storage using renewable energy sources: #PlanDeRecuperacion, funded by the European Union (NextGenerationUE).

The result has been the installation of a photovoltaic plant in our engineering and production center in Pinto. Thanks to this, we have not only achieved 50% self-consumption but also contribute 19 MW of renewable energy to the public electricity grid, improving our energy footprint and that of our environment for greater eco-sustainability.

With a total investment of € 32,343.19, this photovoltaic plant generates more than 53,000 kWh annually. Thanks to this innovation, we have stopped emitting more than 14.13 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Cryospain is committed to the environment and sustainability. We have been investing in energy savings and efficiency for many years, ensuring the welfare of the planet and its people.

Logos NexGeneration UE
next generation info


Calle Urogallos, 1-3
P.I. El Cascajal
28320 Pinto, Madrid

+34 912 959 367

We’re looking for talent


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At Cryospain we believe our professionals are our best asset.We want the best talent, with committed people who work as a team, like you.

Join the team of an international company in full expansion, leaders in liquid gas storage and distribution solutions.

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