Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System
The Management of CRYOSPAIN S.L., as part of its goal of ensuring the provision of its services and being aware of the importance of the environment and health and safety at work, and knowing that the activities carried out may alter the environment and/ or cause damage to the health and safety of workers and third parties at its facilities, has laid out a Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System to be integrated into its activities, based on the requirements set out by UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015, and UNE-EN ISO 45001:2018, for the activities of:
Design and manufacture of equipment and installations such as flat-bottom atmospheric cryogenic tanks, vacuum isolated and/or cryogenic piping, pressure tanks and custom designed cryogenic plants.
Repair, maintenance and installation of cryogenic or vacuum equipment, such as vessels, tanks, pumps and cryogenic plants.
CRYOSPAIN S.L.’s Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System lays out continuous improvements aimed at customer satisfaction and absolute control over those activities that may have an impact on the environment and occupational health and safety, within the limits of the company’s capabilities.
CRYOSPAIN S.L.’s Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy is based on the following commitments:
- Commitment on the part of the Management to the correct implementation of the Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the continuous improvement of its performance, results and effectiveness.
- Commitment to comply with all requirements, whether legal, contractual or otherwise, that are applicable to us because of our activity, so that our performance in no case may contravene the requirements and specifications established.
- Commitment to carry out our work within a management environment that ensures continuous improvement in our processes, in our methods and in our relationships with interested parties, through the establishment, compliance and periodic review of our quality, environmental and occupational health and safety objectives, and the use of the best available economically-viable technologies.
- Commitment to protect the environment and our surroundings through actions aimed at the prevention of any type of pollution that could be caused by operations due to our activity, and through the sustainable use of resources.
- Commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injuries and deterioration of health.
- Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to health and safety at work.
- Commitment to promote communication, understanding and dissemination of our Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy within the organization, through training of and continuous communication with all persons working for or on behalf of the organization.
- Commitment to promote consultation and participation among workers.
- Commitment to make our Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy publicly available to interested parties.
- Commitment to apply the following principles in terms of Occupational Risk Prevention:
- The health and safety of workers contributes to the proper execution of our business activities, preserving and developing physical and human resources and reducing losses and legal liabilities arising from occupational hazards.
- Preventive activity will be geared towards avoiding risks and evaluating those that cannot be eliminated.
- Determination of preventive measures will aim to act on risks at their source, putting collective safety before individual safety. They will take into account the additional risks that could be implied and will only be adopted if and when the magnitude of these risks is substantially inferior to those the measures intend to avoid and only when safer alternatives do not exist.
- The choice of equipment and work and production methods shall aim to avoid monotonous and repetitive work and reduce ill effects on the health of workers.
- Prevention planning shall seek to look at the wider picture, integrating technique, work organization, working conditions, social relations and the influence of environmental factors at work.
- Only workers who have received sufficient information shall be allowed access to an area with a serious and specific risk.
- Before a worker is assigned a task, his or her professional capability to safely perform the task shall be considered.
- When assessing the hazards involved in processes, the consequences that could be caused by possible distractions or human error shall be analyzed.
- Compliance with applicable regulations shall be ensured and achievable safety standards shall be assessed according to the current level of technology.
- Workers have the right to actively participate in issues related to risk prevention at work, for which the representative channels legally established in Chapter V of the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention will be made available.
Review of the Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Policy shall be carried out within the framework of system reviews by the Management in order to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate for the organization.